Sam and Allie

Meet Sam and Allie, mamas to be with twins on the way! Read on to learn more about their motherhood journey.
Tell us about your Motherhood journey so far?
Allie: It's been a long road of fertility treatments, changed plans, and waiting. It took us 3 IUIs, 1 at home insemination, 4 embryo transfers, 1 chemical pregnancy, and one miscarriage for before getting to where we are now! It's tested our patience, but we're so grateful to be expecting twins now!
Did you both always know you wanted to be mothers?
Sam: Yes! I have known since I was just a child that I wanted to be a mom. It’s always been a dream of mine and was actually a non-negotiable for me when it came to dating. I knew that I wanted to be a parent and wasn’t going to waste my time with anyone who didn’t feel the same way. Thankfully my wife Allie felt the same way!!
Allie: YES! We have both always wanted to be moms!
If you could each go back and tell yourselves one thing about your motherhood journey, what would it be?
Sam: That it would all be worth it in the end. We went through a lot before getting pregnant with our twins including months of fertility testing, IUIs, IVF, and miscarriages. It has been such an emotional rollercoaster, but it had a lot of lows and was such a long, hard journey to get to this point.
Allie: I would tell myself to be patient. To throw any expectations and timelines out the doors. To be gentle and kind to myself and Sam, and trust that one day things would work out!
What is one thing you’re looking forward to about motherhood?
Sam: Can I say everything!? I’m sure having twins will be an adventure full of ups and downs, but I can’t wait to experience it all! If I had to pick just one thing, I’d say traveling with them. It is such a passion of mine and one of my favourite things. I can’t wait to bring them along on our adventures and see the world through their eyes!
Allie: Everything! I can't wait for holidays and everyday moments! Just seeing the world through little eyes is so fun!
Are there any parenting books or resources you’ve found helpful so far?
Sam: I have been reading so many books to try and get ready for these little babies! When we were undergoing fertility treatments I loved all of the content Dr. Aimee from the Egg Whisper creates. She is a fertility doctor who amazingly shares her knowledge with the world in a number of ways, but my personal favorite is through the egg whisperer podcast. I learned so much from her! And I also loved the book It Starts with the Egg by Rebecca Fett for getting my body ready for IVF to make it as successful as possible! Parenting wise, I love Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman. It is all about parenting in France and such a good read! And we’re interested in the Montessori method of parenting so have been reading lots of books related to that. I also love statistics and science-based books. Three of my favorites are Expecting Better by Emily Oster for pregnancy, Crib Sheet also by Emily Oster for parenting babies, and Smart Mothering by Dr Natalie Flynn!
Allie: I haven't done much reading yet - I'll leave that to Sam ;)
Do you have any mom icons you look up to?
Sam: My own mother of course! She is such an inspiration to me and also one of my very best friends! I only hope I can be as good a mom as she is to me
Allie: So many - mostly my own mom and sister, and both my grandmothers who have passed. They are all such amazing moms and I hope to be even half the mothers they are!!
Follow along Allie and Sam's motherhood journey here!