Sincerely, Dad

Dear Eden,
Becoming a father is a pivotal moment in every man’s life. The first time I saw you I knew that my life would be forever changed; it was at that moment that I realized that my life had become more. Seeing your birth and watching you grow and learn has given me a profound joy and it is the joy only a parent can know. To describe it to you would be fruitless as there are no words for it. The love I have for you transcends human speech and therefore requires that I show you every day how much you mean to me. And that is my promise to you. To show you every day that you are the greatest gift that I could possibly receive. You have altered the course of my life in such a meaningful way that it can never be altered again. I vow to always love you, to always care for you. I will provide for you. I will teach you all that is in my ability to teach. If don’t know the answer then we will find it together. If I don’t know the way then we will find it together. No problem will ever be too great that we cannot solve it together.
My daughter, my beloved, I cannot promise that this life will always be easy and nor should it be. As the saying goes “Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor”. Life will be challenging and there will be mistakes made. I challenge you to embrace those moments and to learn from them. Extract every drop of knowledge you can from life’s experiences and never be afraid of failure. Never be afraid to go out and get your hands dirty, rise to life’s contests with confidence and remember that well behaved women rarely make history. But also, never sacrifice you morals and keep your compass true. Never hesitate to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Remember that bullies in our world are only scared and lost, help them find their way. Be gentle by default and strong and firm when required, be a hero to those in need but humble in nature. True humility is staying teachable, regardless of how much you already know.
“Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right” – E.T. Benson
I have every confidence that you will grow to be a light for this world. You already shine.
Be forever my daughter. I will be forever your father.
I love you.
- Dad