Meet Steven Perkins

Meet Steven Perkins! He and his wife cofounded a sunglass company, Dezi, and Skincare line, Dezi Skin. Now though, they have another passion: their son. Steven is a Dad to their little boy, Ocean, and they now have another baby on the way. As parents ourselves, we know he’s no doubt doing it all on very little sleep or at the very least interrupted sleep, but he still had time to chat with us about Fatherhood, and how it’s been balancing it all.
Tell us about becoming a father for the first time?
For me fatherhood is one of the most rewarding experiences. There was nothing quite like the feeling of holding Ocean in my arms for the first time and knowing that I would be responsible for keeping him safe and happy. Of course, becoming a father also comes with its fair share of challenges. Suddenly, I had a lot less time for sleep and a lot more responsibility. However, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
The best part of being a dad is seeing Ocean grow and experience new things every day. It's an amazing feeling to watch him discover the world around him, things that we take for granted or overlook are all new life shaping events for him.
How do you make time to do the things you loved doing before becoming a dad?
Being a dad is a full-time job, and it can be tough to find time for anything else. However, I am extremely blessed to have an amazing wife and a supportive family that allows me to carve out time for myself and our businesses to keep things running the same.
Let’s talk expectations vs reality of Fatherhood?
My expectation of how little sleep I would get once Ocean was born truly became a reality. Although as the nights went on I found joy in the moments of waking up in the middle of the night, and spending time with my little buddy. Our bond grew closer with every night and I wouldn’t change a thing. Ultimately, fatherhood is what you make of it. It can be both rewarding and exasperating, but it is always an adventure.
What do Dads really want for Father’s Day?
It’s Father’s Day, and you want to get your dad something special? For me the answer is simple: uninterrupted time with my family. No work, no calls no texts, I just want to spend the day with my son and my wife… that said I would also take Breakfast in bed, a cup of coffee, and some alone time as well.
Did you always know you wanted to be a parent?
I always knew I would a dad. I would think about all of the fun things my kids and I would do together and how must trouble we could get into. Fast-forward and I'm now the parent of an almost two year old with another on the way.
What is your relationship like with your baby?
It’s everything I ever wanted it to be. We play games, I teach him new things, and I just be a kid again myself. I can say without a doubt that it is the best thing in the world for me. I get to be Ocean’s best buddy, and get to see and experience the world through his eyes. Being a parent is everything I ever wanted it to be and more.