How Long Can You Use a Doona Car Seat? A Complete Guide

The Doona’s innovative car seat-and-stroller-in-one design made a splash in the baby gear market when it was introduced. For parents overwhelmed by all the baby gear necessities, the streamlined Doona has a specific appeal.
But how long can the Doona be used? And what should a parent transition to when their child outgrows it? Read on to learn more.
Key Takeaways
While heralded by many parents for its convenience, the Doona’s car seat and stroller combo has a limited shelf life due to its height and weight limitations. Replacing it also means replacing two pieces of equipment, rather than just a car seat.
What are the age, weight, and height limitations of the Doona?
When should you transition your child from the Doona?
What car seat should you use after you’ve outgrown your Doona?
Age Limits for the Doona Car Seat
Just like your doctor can’t tell you the exact age at which your baby will sit up, get their first tooth, or sleep through the night, car seats don’t come with a specific age limit. Broadly speaking though, the Doona is a Group 0+ car seat which means it’s designed to be used in a rear-facing only position by infants under 15 months.
The specific limitations of the Doona, like every other car seat, are spelled out by height and weight.
Weight Limits for the Doona Car Seat
The weight limit for the Doona is 35 lbs. That sounds like a high limit for a baby—and it is; that’s the average weight of most 3 year olds. You won’t see the upper echelon of the weight limit though; your baby will outgrow the seat in height first.
Height Limits for The Doona Car Seat
The height limit for the Doona is 32 inches.The positioning of the shoulder straps should be at or slightly below your baby’s shoulders—once this positioning is no longer possible, it’s time for a new seat.
Maintenance Tips for Parents
The seat cover and shoulder pad covers are machine-washable—just be sure to let them air dry. Plastic components can be wiped down with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Like any other car seat, a Doona that is involved in a car accident needs to be replaced. Since it’s also used as a stroller, though, you’ll want to inspect the framework regularly to ensure it’s not damaged.
When to Transition from the Doona
Your child is ready to transition from the Doona when they outgrow the height or weight limits of the seat. Because the Doona is a rear-facing only car seat, it might also be time for a transition when your child is ready to ride forward-facing—even if they still technically fit in the Doona.
Keep in mind that because the Doona only offers only a fixed position when in stroller mode, older babies may get bored and fussy even though they still technically fit in the seat itself.
Transitioning from the Doona: Orbit Baby’s Car Seat
The next step after any infant car seat like the Doona is what’s called a convertible car seat. Unlike an infant seat, which is designed to be exclusively rear-facing, a convertible car seat can face backward or forward.
This is the type of car seat that you’ll use until your child is ready for a booster seat (a timeline which, again, varies because it’s also based on height and weight). However, unlike the lifespan of an infant car seat, a convertible car seat is sure to last you for years … no matter how fast your child grows.
One of the things many parents like about infant car seats is that they’re frequently sold as part of a travel system that includes a stroller (or, in the case of the Doona, are an infant seat + stroller in one). Making the move away from this set-up can be frustrating for parents who’ve gotten used to the ease of transitioning from the car to the stroller that a travel system provides.
Orbit Baby’s patented and innovatively designed travel system is the only option on the market that allows you to continue moving seamlessly from car to stroller and back again, even after you’ve grown out of your Doona.
How long can a baby stay in the Doona?
The Doona is a Group 0+ car seat, which is designed to be used in a rear-facing position only by infants under 15 months. Your baby can safely ride in a Doona until they exceed either the height (32 inches) or weight (35 lbs) limit of the seat.
When should I stop using my Doona?
You should stop using your Doona when your child no longer meets either the height OR weight limits of the seat (you’ll likely outgrow the height limit, first).
What is the weight limit for a Doona?
The weight limit for an infant in a Doona car seat is 35 lbs.
Final Thoughts
The Doona can be an appealing choice for its 2-in-1 convenience, but once it’s outgrown you have to replace two items of baby gear instead of just one. Orbit Baby’s convertible toddler seat and rotating stroller combo is the only option on the market that offers parents the continued convenience they love with a travel system that can grow with their baby for years to come.